Whether you think it’s cliche or just plain dumb, I call it genius! I have heard a lot of people say,

I don’t waste my time writing bucket lists about things I’m not going to accomplish. I just simply do the things I want to do in life.

Well – great, good for you. No one told you creating a bucket list was going to force you to do all these things and leave you unfulfilled if you die an unexpected death too soon. You are the only one putting pressure on yourself to get them done. It is so important to think of your bucket list as an inspirational piece of writing that keeps you focused and on the right path to your happy place. It is not a to-do list or a schedule, it is an inspirational diary that you can carry with you through life and look back on time to time to remember the things you would like to do and things that inspire you.


Need a little nudge?

Here are 20 amazing things you should be adding to your bucket list (especially if you’re a traveler)!

  1. Write a Travel Blog
  2. Work in a Foreign Country
  3. Climb a Volcano
  4. Backpack Across an Entire Country
  5. Volunteer your skills and time while traveling
  6. Take a Photography Class
  7. Learn how to Cook
  8. Go Glamping
  9. Travel Across an Entire Country by Train
  10. Attend La Tomatina in Spain
  11. Go Bungee Jumping
  12. Hit up all 7 Wonders of the World
  13. Experience Oktoberfest in Germany
  14. Climb a World Famous Mountain
  15. Travel Solo
  16. Build an Igloo and Sleep in it
  17. Learn how to Speak a New Language
  18. Go see the Northern Lights
  19. Fill your Passport Front to Back
  20. Make a new best friend everywhere you go


Need a little bit more to get you going?? Check out my own personal bucket list:

100+ Things to Do Before I Die