Introduction into Sarajevo Travel | #TrainLineTravel

Introduction into Sarajevo Travel | #TrainLineTravel

If you’re planning on visiting Sarajevo, Bosnia I Herzegovina, there’s no second guessing that you’re going to be diving into a whole load of historical adventures. From the moment you wake up, to the second you fall asleep, the history of Sarajevo...
Homes, Hotels or Hostels in Macedonia? | #TrainLineTravel

Homes, Hotels or Hostels in Macedonia? | #TrainLineTravel

When you travel, do you look into apartments, hostels or hotels first? Why? Do you use a booking engine, or book from the source? Why? These are all very relevant questions to booking accommodations while on travel. Though this post is a relatively open post (and not...
Bucharest Is More Than Just Parties | #TrainLineTravel

Bucharest Is More Than Just Parties | #TrainLineTravel

Bucharest, the largest city in Romania, the heart of the industrial and financial district. Let me give you a brief introduction to their history so that you understand why I want to blog about Bucharest today.  First mentioned in 1459, Bucharest was one of the first...