Whether you’d like to believe it or not, stocking stuffers are the easiest, least thought provoking part of the holidays. The gifts are what you should be putting heart and soul into. I mean, if you want to… do it for the stocking too, but no one is going to say “thanks for a gift I won’t use” when they open a stocking with these 15 super practical items.
Practical Stocking Stuffers

Practical Stocking Stuffers for Your Loved Ones:

  1. Toothbrush
  2. Toothpaste
  3. Lottery Tickets
  4. Lotion
  5. Socks 
  6. Hairbrush
  7. Shampoo/Conditioner
  8. Razors
  9. Magazines 
  10. Chocolates
  11. Movies 
  12. Books
  13. Hair Accessories [bobby pins, pony tails]
  14. Underwear
  15. Mittens 

Practical Stocking Stuffers

So… you’ve now got 15 days until CHRISTMAS! If you haven’t done so already, you should be going out and purchasing some of these things for your loved ones this Christmas!

Enjoyed the read?! I’ve got plenty more where that came from! Check out my #holidaycountdown vlog at: www.yoututbe.com/user/giveforgranted