I ventured off to Luxeumbourg with my boyfriend for my 23rd birthday in September of 2014. It was only a few hours drive from where we were living and it was the perfect weekend getaway to celebrate my birthday.

Honestly, it was a quick decision.. we booked a hotel, packed a bag and hopped in the car which meant I had zero focus on travelling sustainably during my long weekend in Luxembourg.

So why am I writing about it now?

We purchased a bus pass (hey, it’s a green way to travel — but it’s also a cheaper way to travel which is what had sold me), we ventured into the city bought a couple Luxembourg beers and started on our ‘tourist route’.

We quickly found ourselves exhausted and unenthused by all that Luxembourg had to offer. People had told me before there is nothing to do in Luxembourg and they couldn’t believe that we had set our sights on going there for a celebration. Something in me realized that there had to be more than a modern city filled with international companies and hundreds of pizza shops.

We headed back to the hotel after a big pizza dinner and replanned the remainder of the trip. Instead of shopping in international malls and heading back into the city centre, we thought of a different more unique plan.

A Castle Tour

I quickly realized that I loved Luxembourg and that it was definitely a place I was coming back to. That day we visited more than 5 castles, hiked through the mountains, sat along the river banks and had snacks and coffee at little local shops along the way.

Nothing explains this trip better than a photo montage, so here you have it:

I’ve been to many more countries, check out:

Where I’ve Been