Do you pack light? Visiting the developing world? Want to make a difference? Well now you can take a suitcase and change a life!

Not Just Tourists

Not Just Tourists Presents:

A huge amount of usable medical supplies gets wasted every day. At the same time, people in the developing world suffer from a lack of access. Not Just Tourists collects these supplies and gives them to ordinary tourists to take on a journey to clinics in need. The project is about loving people and showing locals that Canadians care. Ordinary tourists are given the means to change the lives of the locals they visit around the world!

Not Just Tourists

Photo Credit: Marshall Segal

As a non-funded, non-political, non-religious, volunteer driven organization, NJTT’s primary goal is to help those in need, regardless of where they are. The project finds travellers who are happy to transport medical supplies to destinations they are already travelling to! It’s as simple as that. IN 2014, NJTT sent over 6,000lbs of medical supplies to Honduras, Syria, China, Kenya, Haiti, and Cuba, to name a few. Since it’s inception 25 years ago, Not Just Tourists has expanded with numerous chapters across Canada and over 10,000 suitcases delivered to 82 countries!

In North America, especially in the United States, healthcare facilities have been estimated to produce 13,200lbs of unused medical supply waste every single day (Lauer 2009).

Those supplies could help thousands of people around the world and more importantly, raise the standard of living for countless families. That’s what NJTT strives for.

NJTT receives donations from Canada’s largest hospitals, clinics, and medical suppliers. Volunteers pack these supplies and coordinate with travellers in order to transport them across the globe. What better way to spend a vacation than helping spread love and hope to others? It’s a wonderful thing and you can be a part of it!

Not Just Tourists
How do you fit in? Well, there are numerous ways to join the cause; from finding donors/travellers to packing medical supplies as a volunteer, or if you are travelling take a suitcase!

For more information visit:

I Can Carry Medical Supplies
I Can Donate Medical Supplies
I Want To Volunteer
I Want To Submit A Clinic

Wishing you safe and happy travels!

WRITTEN BY: Jarrod Bailey of Not Just Tourists 

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