In order to celebrate our final weeks in Thailand the girls and I headed South to Koh Phagnan for the Full Moon Party!

Full Moon Party

A full neon outfit for ten bucks, a 26 of Hong Thong booze for seven bucks and several jars of body paint later… we were ready for what everyone had been hyping up! FULL MOON PARTY!

So Here’s How My Full Moon Party Experience Went Down.

Well, it started nice… I think a lot of people will agree to this when I say that pre-drinks are the best! Once we arrived at Haad Rin Beach for a night of a raging celebration.. it was downhill from there. In addition to the fact that the bottle of Hong Thong was not treating me well… the style of dance, the young Thai boys around the ages of 10 and 15, and the amount of dumb western tourists crowding the beach was terrible. The Full Moon Party on Haad Rin Beach is this new phenomenon in Toronto that everyone wants to go to after creeping their friends Facebook profiles (as did I).

Full Moon Party

I guess most of my generation enjoys raves, techno music, shrooms, acid and crazy partying. I am not like most I guess. An ideal night would be with my closest friends around a camp fire, drinking beers and having good laughs. I don’t need anything fancy, I don’t want to dress up, I don’t want to wear make-up… just my sweats and a ice cold beer in my hand.

Needless to say, The Full Moon Party was an experience I will cherish but is not something I would ever go back for. I still admit that it is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it is definitely one of those things you need to cross off your bucket list. The thousands (approx. 20,000) of partiers crowd the beaches, the buckets of booze are dirt cheap and the fire limbo is all a pretty neat experience. It was clearly worth a blog.

Full Moon Party

Now, my time in Thailand has come to an end, I have passed the semester with straight A’s and I am more than happy that I spent my final semester at Brock University abroad in Thailand.

This adventure is truly an experience I will never forget!

Full Moon Party

Looking for more tips on Thailand? Check out my previous posts:
– 10 Secret Must Do’s in Bangkok
– Relaxing Destinations in Thailand