Scheisse! I’m in Freiburg, Germany

Scheisse! I’m in Freiburg, Germany

I have arrived in Germany to visit my boyfriend Paul for a couple of weeks. Though I have never had any ambitions to visit Germany in my travels, I am pleasantly surprised with what Germany has to offer. It might be what I had learned in school, or the fact that no...
The Full Experience: Full Moon Party

The Full Experience: Full Moon Party

In order to celebrate our final weeks in Thailand the girls and I headed South to Koh Phagnan for the Full Moon Party! A full neon outfit for ten bucks, a 26 of Hong Thong booze for seven bucks and several jars of body paint later… we were ready for what everyone had...
The Song Kran Experience in Thailand

The Song Kran Experience in Thailand

With 12 days until our departure back to Canada, I figured a blog post was in call. Wrapping up has been more exciting than stressful but I also haven’t had a huge amount of time to spend on extracurricular interests like Tumblr. The three girls I spent the semester...
A Guide to Trekking in the Indonesian Rainforest

A Guide to Trekking in the Indonesian Rainforest

Somehow Kirsty and I decided to pack a trip to Indonesia into a 5 day weekend. We flew into Medan, Indonesia… We booked a hotel for the first night and decided to see where our plans would take us for the next 5 days! The beginning of the adventure was rather rough,...
Welcome to the Kingdom of Cambodia

Welcome to the Kingdom of Cambodia

I know it’s tough to fathom ‘how I can possibly be taking another break away from my holidays already’. Let me tell you, terms abroad are not just a walk in the park… it is more of a distraction trying to focus on school with the beach a 15 minute walk away, countries...
How to Take A Vacation Away From Vacation in Thailand

How to Take A Vacation Away From Vacation in Thailand

Reading week? What reading week? I’m in Thailand. It might be a pretty sweet deal to spend 4 months of my last semester in University studying in Thailand, but the benefits of being an Ontario student offer reading week, family day, long weekends… etc. So, instead… I...